Finally, winter is here in Cyprus. It’s almost Christmas and we did not have an autumn season yet. Mid of November we started having some rain here and in combination with my long exposure mood recently it was a great chance to visit and photograph two Venetian breath-taking bridges close to Paphos district.
In this post I will be referring to the Tzelefos Venetian Bridge, Gefiri tou Tzelefou as it’s called in Greek. It is located in the near the village of Agios Nicolaos and can be accessed either from Paphos, Troodos mountains or Limassol through the wine roads.
The bridge is is built over the Diorozos River and is the largest of the medieval bridges on the island.
It was built during the Venetian occupation in Cyprus (between 1489-1571) and belongs to two bridges (that of Elia and that of Routkia) in a complex of Venetian bridges built to serve the access of the then inhabitants of the area.